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(주)에스플러스컴텍은 복합소재 연구,개발,제조 하는 기업입니다. 복합소재에는 탄소섬유, 그래핀, 아라미드섬유,유리섬유 등등 신소재를 이용하여 현존 제품보다 경량화, 내구성, 전도성, 방열성,내열성 등등 효과적이고 경제적,친환경적입니다.


​Products info.


가공 머신 4.jpg

Stone Veneer(Natural Stone-sheet)

It's an innovative finish that is made into a sheet by thinly peeling rocks from natural rocks. It is made of natural natural stone, but it is thin, light, and can be easily cut with scissors. It is also a flexible type, and can be constructed on columnar pillars and curved shapes.

As natural natural stones are used, natural stone designs created by nature for a long time with patterned products that do not have the same shape provide a variety of healing.

Using natural stone sheets as finishing materials makes it easy to create luxurious spaces like hotels just by attaching them.

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